Best 50 inch Anti-Glare TV-ProtectorTM Stylish TV Screen Protector for LCD, LED or Plasma TV - Best Price on Cleveland plasma

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  Cheap 50 inch Anti-Glare TV-ProtectorTM Stylish TV Screen Protector for LCD, LED or Plasma TV
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50 inch Anti-Glare TV-ProtectorTM Stylish TV Screen Protector for LCD, LED or Plasma TV - Onsale at Cleveland plasma

Find lowest price on Cleveland plasma. The 50 inch Anti-Glare TV-ProtectorTM Stylish TV Screen Protector for LCD, LED or Plasma TV Product Description of TV-ProtectorTM is a crystal clear shield with advanced technology Anti-Glare efficiency that attaches to a flat-screen TV and protects the fragile screen from damage. Stop warring and start enjoying your TV! Highest quality optical-grade acrylic plastic is as clear as glass and maintains the sharp and vivid picture of any HDTV. The Antiglare TV screen protector is used by Families with Children, Nintendo Wii owners, pet owners, Hotels and other institutions. Provides protection when the TV is positioned horizontally or vertically on a stand or mounted on a wall or ceiling. Scratch resistant; Reduces the UV radiation emitted from the TV screen. Stylish design that makes the TV screen protector unnoticeable and keeps the gorgeous look of any flat-screen TV. NO Ugly Straps, clamps or buckles! Sized for YOUR TV - NOT one that "fits" several sizes. Designed to absorb substantial impact. The protector can be broken only by very heavy object e.g. brick or hammer. Remove the protective film on both sides for an easy stick on installation that takes a few minutes and does not require special tools or skill. Once installed reclosable pads allow the screen protector to be temporarily detached for cleaning - Easy snap on/off function. Attachment strips connect to the TV frame (bezel). The strips that can be permanently removed (when the kids grow older) without leaving a trace. Pads hold strongly making it virtually impossible for small children to interfere with the protector. Allow for 1/4 inch gap between the screen and the protector maintaining constant ventilation that prevents screen overheating. TV-Protector is designed to cover the screen of your TV and will extend approximately 1 1/4 inch around the screen. Proprietary product of superior quality. Ani-glare surface is similar to antiglare screen fitted on most LCD, LED and Plasma TVs. The screen can be used to reduce glare only if your TV has glossy screen (with mirror effect when TV is off). For indoor use only.

The 50 inch Anti-Glare TV-ProtectorTM Stylish TV Screen Protector for LCD, LED or Plasma TV The best products on Cleveland plasma

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50 inch Anti-Glare TV-ProtectorTM Stylish TV Screen Protector for LCD, LED or Plasma TV feature

  • # Prevent damage, scratches, fingerprints. Heavy Duty. Must have for Families with Children and Nintendo Wii owners. NO Ugly Straps, clamps or buckles! Made exactly for YOUR TV - Not one that "fits" several sizes and is never perfect. NO bend on top that blocks airflow and can cause screen overheating
  • Protect your TV in Unmatched Style. Precise fit. Material Optimized for extreme HD picture quality. Anti-Glare efficiency. Comfort for the eye. Easy install
  • Maintains the sharp and vivid HDTV picture quality. Extensively tested; will deflect any thrown remote control or a toy
  • Made precisely for 50 inch LCD, LED or Plasma TV including: Sony, Samsung, LG, Sharp, Sanyo, Vizio, Panasonic, Philips, RCA, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Emerson, Insignia, Magnavox, Element, Haier, Sylvania etc.
  • Extremely strong made from nearly undestroyable optical-grade acrylic. 10 times stronger than 1/4 inch thick glass
  • Lowest prices at Cleveland plasma.